Contact: Senior Advisor Cultural Support Planner
Cultural Support Plans is an important element for Aboriginal children in out-of-home care. It is a plan that strengthens their Aboriginal identity and encourage their connection to their Aboriginal culture and community.
The Senior Advisor for Aboriginal Cultural Support Plans at Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation support and advocates for the development of Cultural Support Plans for Aboriginal children. These cultural plans are individualized to strengthen their cultural connections and focus on developing their cultural values, beliefs, practices and personal identity, and connections to Country, family, clan, Community, history, symbolism, cultural expression and events.
Cultural Support Plans are co-designed with the child and includes information that the child is being supported to explore and have an emerging knowledge of their cultural connections, history and identity. Senior Advisors also provide secondary consultation support to Care Teams in the review of existing Cultural Support Plan
For more information please contact the Cultural Support Planner on 02 6024 7599